According to a recent study, estimated Dinosaurs persisted for more than 700,000 years after the Earth was hit by a giant meteorite, which was initially believed to have been experiencing extinction. Here are some interesting facts about dinosaurs.
1. Heaviest Dinosaur
inosaurus heaviest is Brachiosaurus, which weighed about 80 tons. Equivalent to 17 African elephants. Brachiosaurus has a height of 16 m and a length of 26 m, is the largest dinosaur skeleton mounted in the museum.
2. Smallest Dinosaur Eggs
The smallest dinosaur eggs have been found only along the 3 cm, but not known of any type.
3. Most Intelligent Dinosaurs
One of the most intelligent dinosaurs was Troodon. Classified dinosaur hunter whose length is about 2 meters. It has a size similar to the mammalian brain, with sharp vision (stereoscopic vision), and a sharp grip.
4. The Brain's Smallest Dinosaurs
Stegosaurus had a brain the size of a walnut, with a length of 3 cm and weighs 75 grams. Compared to brain size to body size sauropodomorph, such Platesaurus, maybe this dinosaur is of the type that most stupid.
5. Top Dinosaurs
The type of the Brachiosaurus is known as high as 13 meters. Type Sauroposeidon is large and can grow up to 18.5 meters, making it the tallest dinosaur.
6. Able to Walk Fastest Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs are the fastest type of sort ornithomimids ostrich, as Dromiceiomimus, capable of running at speeds up to 60 km / h.
7. Longest Dinosaur Name
Dinosaur with the longest name is Micropachycephalosaurus meaning 'lizard-headed mini'. Dino fossil is found in China and has been named in 1978 by paleontologist China, Dong.
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